War Profiteering

Please read this article, or at least skim it, because this is ridiclous:


I simply don't understand how people can claim to achieve a specific capability with a product meant to save lives, full-knowing they are lying. It is so evil and selfish. For money, these people will risk the lives of thousands. Goodness... money is truly the root of a lot of evil, I wouldn't say it is the root of all evil, some people don't care for money and commit the most heinous crimes.

Pretty much, these "bomb detectors" are made of the cheapest piece of electric hardware, which is nothing really, technology with a worth of a few pennies, and they sell each supposed bomb detecting device for $40,000 a piece.

Now, I won't blame the manufacturer of this product completely, the governments that employ this kind of technology are also to blame since obviously they didn't test the products, they just trusted the manufacturer and bought their products by the boat load. It's funny to note that this comes from a British manufacturer and was used by the British army in Iraq, and after several hundred people died due to failed bomb detection, they started to question the capability of the device.

Could this be a conspiracy? I wouldn't go so far, even if it was, who cares? Believing it is a conspiracy or not won't change the fact that this stuff happens and is currently happening and will continue to happen.

War profiteering is as old as modern civilization, how can you put an end to the most lucrative business in this capitalistic world? We just might get hit with another recession or worse, depression.


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