Good Bye

The new year approaches,
Thoughts turn to ash,
You bring your reproaches,
Each word felt as a lash,

I have no more qualms with this or that,
I feel no remorse nor regret,
I keep my love far away from a Cat,
I won't be forgotten yet,

Start a new page, a new chapter, a new book,
Keep turning your words until you reach enlightenment,
Never hold grudges or forget what you took,
Love brings the utmost contentment,

I say my final goodbye,
I hope you find Truth,
I pray we can both forgive,
I love what we were,

I hope for what we will be... Happy.

Feliz Navidad! 

Happy New Year!

Nya Saal Mubarak! (Urdu)

Sretna Nova Godina! (Bosnian)

Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun! (Turkish)


Media Polarity

I just read this article:

To give you the gist of it, it's about a British national who went to China in 2007, he was arrested carrying 4kg of Heroin and was executed today. His name was Akmal Shaikh, a Muslim, who left behind 5 children and a wife. His family insisted he was bi-polar and was tricked into carrying the case of heroin, the British government sent representatives to China 27 times over the last two years to work out terms of clemency, they met with a Chinese ambassador this week and made no progress, the last ditch effort failed, and Mr. Shaikh lost his life.

The thing is, the whole time I am reading this, I am thinking, "Oh, of course it was a Muslim, he deserved what he got."

Thinking this frightened me a great deal, it's still scary just typing this out, admitting how greatly the media has drilled into my head that I am a bad person, that Muslims are all evil. We, the readers of such an article, go on what the article tells us, then we are allowed to ponder to whatever extent the actual course of events and make assumptions, eventually agreeing upon the innocence or guilt of the deceased.

Who am I to say Mr. Shaikh was a bad man? That he deserved this? Unfortunately, I automatically thought this upon reading his name and looking at his picture. "Only a Muslim would do something like this." Or even funnier, "Only  a Muslim would get caught." In the end though, this is RIDICULOUS logic! Implanted by my own society.

I keep forgetting that the Muslims that do indeed commit the terrible atrocities of our time are only a minuscule fraction of the majority of us, but unfortunately, they make 100% of the news when it comes to Muslims. These people make life harder for all of us, because someone is trying to increase their ratings or the number of newspapers they sell, wonderful, all for the almighty dollar.

The day we all stop worshiping money and start worshiping God will be the day blood ceases to be spilled.

I am sorry for Mr. Shaikh's family, and I apologize to them for my lack of sensitivity and over-judging nature, it's not even me judging anymore, it's the program in me that makes me see people in a good light or a bad light, time to deprogram and think for myself, this should have been done LONG ago. At least now I am aware of it, good luck to those still thinking they are not brain-washed.

Ina Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon. Ameen.

Words of Wisdom

"Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you."


"Pray not for lighter burdens but for stronger backs."


 "Our true wealth is the good we do in this world. None of us has faith unless we desire for our neighbors what we desire for ourselves."


Shia for Thought

"Nothing can ever take root without the strength of a woman. Just as we would not have Karbala today without the strength of Bibi Zainab. Ya Allah may all our women cultivate some of the lion-heart strength of Bibi Zainab."

The Missingness

What am I supposed to do when you are all I think about?

This missingness business is draining. Exhausting. Frustrating. Deflating. Exasperating. Depressing. And, unusually warm.

Oy! Will it really truly end? I am sure it will, either by my wife, or a knife.

You were truly something to marvel at. I hope this missingness business is going better for you than it is for me.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

"Behold! the angel said, ‘O Mary, indeed God gives you the good news of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and in the Hereafter, and of those who are near to God. He will speak to the people in the cradle, and in adulthood, and he will be of the righteous.’ (The Holy Qur'an) 

Roots of Happiness

“Unless your heart, your soul, and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty, and each action will be meaningless. Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.”

Facing Truth

I am not the writer, I am the pen. The hand that holds me belongs to another. I am not the musician, I am the flute. The lips against mine belong to Shams.


[Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi]

Ya Ali Madad!

Knowledge is the most precious of treasures, and the most beautiful. It is easy to carry, tremendously useful, beautiful in its completeness, and delightful in its uniqueness. 

[Imam Ali ibn Talib]


Finally, the journey's end has revealed itself, a sheet slipping off gracefully from the gem it used to protect from uninvited eyes.

Congratulations Richard, you did it.

Happiness Happiness

A friend of mine traveled to Cypress a few years ago to meet our Sheikh and Master, Sheikh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani. My friend, was not entirely convinced of the Way, but decided he should find out for himself. Upon his arrival he noticed the surreal state of affairs, he was taken aback and lost any inclination to further himself on his journey.

Before it was his time to leave, he met with the Sheikh, as does every traveler before they leave Cypress. The Sheikh asked him if he had any questions, he responded with a brief, yet polite, "No, Sheikh." The Sheikh asked him where he was headed once his ferry arrived on the coast of Turkey. He responded with, "Istanbul, Sheikh".
The Sheikh replied, "Konya?"
"No, Sheikh, Istanbul." replied my friend,

"Konya?" again said the Sheikh,
"No, no Sheikh, I am going to Istanbul." Now losing even more inclination and desire to tread this path, said my friend,
"Konya?" once again repeated the Sheikh,
Realizing his futile attempt to correct his Sheikh, he submitted and responded with,
"Yes, Sheikh, I am going to Konya."

The Sheikh told him, that when he reached his final destination, which was Istanbul, that he should go and buy 50-60 rolls of bread and pass them out to the people, the Sheikh told him that there he would find happiness.

He finally was given permission to leave and boarded the ferry. Now, I am unaware to the thoughts that muse of coursed through my friend's mind as he was floating across the sea to Turkey, but a mixed feeling of relief, anxiety, and curiosity must of plagued him.

He boarded the bus upon arriving on solid earth. The bus was a non-stop service to Istanbul, however, sometime along the trip, a mandatory detour was made to avoid an obstacle in the road, which led my friend and the rest of the passengers to Konya.

Astonished, my friend decided he would of course carry out the command of his Sheikh. When he arrived in Istanbul, he bought the bread and began to pass it out. He noticed that people were very eager to receive the bread, not just the beggars, but normal people, pepple in suits, some people even came two or three times in 15 minute intervals, from the shops that stood right in front of where he was passing the bread. Where at last, he was giving the last peice of bread away to an elderly man, that once he took it in his hand, he looked at it as if it were a shining ruby and proclaimed out loud, "Happiness! Happiness!"

Needless to say, my friend was won over by our Sheikh.

I am so happy, I cannot be contained in the world; But like a spirit, I am hidden from the eyes of the world. If the foot of the trees were not tied to earth, they would be pursuing me; For I have blossomed so much, I am the envy of the gardens.

[Mevlana Jaluluddin Rumi]


Dare to Dream

Dreams provide incredible insight.

They tell you what you are thinking, deep down, they tell you what you should have done, they tell you what you should do now. They tell you things that you feel are entirely inconsequential, yet, little do we know, what they really mean.

I wouldn't suggest interpreting dreams on your own, unless they are that straightforward and simple, but interpreting them no less and applying them to your daily existence has its effect. 

For instance, I usually dream about a particular person when they are in distress or trouble. This has been going on for the past two - three years. The dream itself isn't exactly cozy. They actually inspire dread and fear and worriment. I never wake up smiling from these dreams, and why would I, when the person I am dreaming about is hurt or in misery?

Today, I had one such dream, about this particular person. I never feel it appropriate to share intimate dreams like this to anyone, so you won't be hearing about it. But I will be writing it down for my own reference. Sorry >_<

I will share a little bit though. Today's dream was too real. It was scary real. I also pulled one of those waking up in a dream thinking you are awake in reality, and then waking up again to realize the first time you woke was a dream, but this time is for real, so you pinch yourself for extra measure.

The dream was also the worst I have ever seen about this person. It is actually scaring me how horrific this dream was and how helpless I am. Helplessness, to me, is one of the most scariest states a person can encounter. This dream, I am praying to God, is insignificant. I am afraid to even try contacting this person for fear that it might be representative of yet another calamity in their life. Usually, I am the one to help make it all better and fix things, but I know I can't now, and this is my fear reaching the pinnacle of reality. I am so helpless right now.
I am praying for you, and trust God has His reasons for whatever hardships are currently befalling you, don't forsake Him and He won't forsake you. Be strong. 

Dreams are deep mirrored tunnels into the subconscious, make sure you pay attention.

Caring Too Much

Too much of anything is bad, same goes for caring too much.

It's been my experience that caring too much leads to three things:

1. You are easily taken advantage of
2. You are easily uncared about
3. You are unappreciated (especially when you do a lot)

Granted, this is just my small scope of experience in relation to the rest of the world, life, and existence. Yet, this is where my path has led me, so if I am to continue on this path, I wish to change a few things that will lead me to contentment.

Stop caring so much.

People will do as they do, whether or not you are in their life. If they want to do something that is unhealthy for them, what you will succeed in accomplishing is either aggravating them or making them hasten towards that goal. Probably both. Some people may actually appreciate you, and in turn, will heed what you say and actually listen to you, but the VAST majority will do as they originally intended. I am not excluded from the vast majority. No one is perfect, but perfection is the goal. Start with the small and simple obstacles to conquer the larger and more grander obstacle.

I try very hard not to be a pessimist, right now, I am just being real. I learned this from someone who let me down many times over. They aren't letting me down anymore, since I stopped caring. To their utter dismay, I am sure.

Essentially, the lesson learned is: Worry about yourself, because if you don't, no one will. 

Lasting Impressions

“Meet people in such a manner that if you die, they should weep for you. And if you live, they should long for you."

Was denkst du?

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."  -Nietzsche

Stimmt, oder stimmt das nicht?

This is My December

This is My December
This is my snow covered year,
This is My December
This is your time to hear,

Give it all away,
Give me one more day,
Give us another chance,
Give me a subtle glance,

Walk past the golden white light,
Walk into the place,
Walk all day and all night,
Walk gazing at my face,

So many memories,
So long before,
So many worries,
So close and sore,

In the end, you became a part of me,
In the end, you never let me be,
In the end, we set each other free,
In the end...

This is Our December.

I love Mevlana

Oh, star Canopus, even the sun, on the sight of you, fades in ecstasy. You are sultan of the skies and yet you hide from the ephemeral world. Oh, beloved of all confessed, you are so secreted that you have completely concealed yourself. You are so plain to see, this is more than concealment.

 [Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

Happy the one who has become like us; who has become all surrender and contenment;Who has become the pledge of love and madness; who has become a jewel in the sea of purity.

 [Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi]

I have no peace, in this world or any other. The lovers of God have fallen in a furious river; They have surrendered themselves to Love's commands. Like mill wheels they turn, day and night, day and night, Constantly turning and turning, and crying out.

 [Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi]

Everyone is forgiven in the end

Ever been hurt by someone or mad at someone and really frustrated with the whole situation? 

Yes you have, we all have. 

Ever said, "I will never forgive you!" Well if you did, lighten up, because you know you will.

Forgiveness is a release for you and the person you are upset with. If you live your life without forgiving anyone that intentionally or unintentionally harms you, then you are increasing the weight of the boulder attached to your leg. You are carrying so much negative energy that it will consume you. It will turn you into a sour, senile, and easily agravated person.

It's not always easy to forgive though, I understand that. Especially when the offense is nearly unbearable, I won't list examples because we all have different levels of tolerance and find different things unforgivable, like taking the last cookie my friend baked me, I will kill you. Too late for not giving examples, but you know what I mean.

Yet, once you take the time and courage to build yourself up to the point of giving and receiving forgiveness, life will suddenly become bright. You will have removed the shackles of grudges and hate and have replaced them with the lightness of air, in other words, nothing. You will have set yourself set free, from yourself. 

Perhaps this is true for you, but what is most definitely true for me is that I have a MUCH harder time forgiving myself than I do forgiving others. If I hurt someone, intentionally or unintentionally, I regret it inconsolably, I even forget that they may have initially hurt me, and lament on the fact that I retaliated and hurt them. It takes me a long time to forgive myself, and normally, I do my best to make it up to the person. I sometimes make it worse, I sometimes set it right. I am slowly learning how and when to address individual situations, how to make someone smile and not frown.

This is a letter for everyone, saying I forgive anyone and everyone that may have hurt me, and wish they will forgive me too if I hurt them.

Life is better when we all get along. 

Know each other,

Trust each other, 
Love each other.


After writing all that, I understand there are somethings that are truly unforgivable, I myself am still working on trying to forgive someone, and no, you guys have no idea who I am talking about. If you know me, you don't know this person. If you know me, and you did something to offend or hurt me, you were forgiven long ago. So no worries >_<

What I am saying is, if we want mercy to be shown to us, we should show mercy to others.

Have a good day.

Hope and Success

The pious ones should not be complacent on this way,

       Their horses legs will be cut in the stony desert.

But nor should the wine drinkers lose heart,

       Suddenly, in one leap, they may reach their goal.

[Saying of Abul Hasan Abu Shanja]

[Excerpt from Kashful Mahjub]

Divine Mercy

"When my heart was hardened and 

my ways were blocked, I made my 

hope a ladder to Your  forgiveness; 

My sins are too great in my sight, 

but when I weigh them against 

Your forgiveness,  Your forgiveness 

is much greater than my sins."

"O God! if I worship Thee in fear of

Hell,  burn me in Hell; and if I 

worship Thee in hope of Paradise,

exclude me from Paradise; but if I 

worship Thee for Thine own sake, 

withhold not Thine everlasting


Pouring Forth

"Wells may run dry, tear ducts never do."

Just stay,
Stay as you are,
You are pain,
You are comfort,

Just stay,
Stay as you are,
A gentle breeze,
A stormy obsession,

Smooth as silk,
Jagged as rough cloth,
Sometimes you quarrel,
Sometimes you're stubborn

So full of fragrance,
I don't want to change you an inch,
Without adornment,
Without purity,
No more,
No less,
In your rainfall,
I want to dissolve,
In your flame,
I want to burn and turn to ash,

If you wound me, soothe me with a balm,
I will soon love the wound you inflict,
You are a river,
Let me drown in you,

I love you just as you are.

[Delhi 6]

What turns you?

A collection of words that inspire, amaze, and provoke.