Caring Too Much

Too much of anything is bad, same goes for caring too much.

It's been my experience that caring too much leads to three things:

1. You are easily taken advantage of
2. You are easily uncared about
3. You are unappreciated (especially when you do a lot)

Granted, this is just my small scope of experience in relation to the rest of the world, life, and existence. Yet, this is where my path has led me, so if I am to continue on this path, I wish to change a few things that will lead me to contentment.

Stop caring so much.

People will do as they do, whether or not you are in their life. If they want to do something that is unhealthy for them, what you will succeed in accomplishing is either aggravating them or making them hasten towards that goal. Probably both. Some people may actually appreciate you, and in turn, will heed what you say and actually listen to you, but the VAST majority will do as they originally intended. I am not excluded from the vast majority. No one is perfect, but perfection is the goal. Start with the small and simple obstacles to conquer the larger and more grander obstacle.

I try very hard not to be a pessimist, right now, I am just being real. I learned this from someone who let me down many times over. They aren't letting me down anymore, since I stopped caring. To their utter dismay, I am sure.

Essentially, the lesson learned is: Worry about yourself, because if you don't, no one will. 


Annalina Monday, December 14, 2009 at 8:23:00 PM CST  

I know it sucks but you can't let your heart get hard!! Please don't let it, that would be very sad :-(

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