Everyone is forgiven in the end

Ever been hurt by someone or mad at someone and really frustrated with the whole situation? 

Yes you have, we all have. 

Ever said, "I will never forgive you!" Well if you did, lighten up, because you know you will.

Forgiveness is a release for you and the person you are upset with. If you live your life without forgiving anyone that intentionally or unintentionally harms you, then you are increasing the weight of the boulder attached to your leg. You are carrying so much negative energy that it will consume you. It will turn you into a sour, senile, and easily agravated person.

It's not always easy to forgive though, I understand that. Especially when the offense is nearly unbearable, I won't list examples because we all have different levels of tolerance and find different things unforgivable, like taking the last cookie my friend baked me, I will kill you. Too late for not giving examples, but you know what I mean.

Yet, once you take the time and courage to build yourself up to the point of giving and receiving forgiveness, life will suddenly become bright. You will have removed the shackles of grudges and hate and have replaced them with the lightness of air, in other words, nothing. You will have set yourself set free, from yourself. 

Perhaps this is true for you, but what is most definitely true for me is that I have a MUCH harder time forgiving myself than I do forgiving others. If I hurt someone, intentionally or unintentionally, I regret it inconsolably, I even forget that they may have initially hurt me, and lament on the fact that I retaliated and hurt them. It takes me a long time to forgive myself, and normally, I do my best to make it up to the person. I sometimes make it worse, I sometimes set it right. I am slowly learning how and when to address individual situations, how to make someone smile and not frown.

This is a letter for everyone, saying I forgive anyone and everyone that may have hurt me, and wish they will forgive me too if I hurt them.

Life is better when we all get along. 

Know each other,

Trust each other, 
Love each other.


After writing all that, I understand there are somethings that are truly unforgivable, I myself am still working on trying to forgive someone, and no, you guys have no idea who I am talking about. If you know me, you don't know this person. If you know me, and you did something to offend or hurt me, you were forgiven long ago. So no worries >_<

What I am saying is, if we want mercy to be shown to us, we should show mercy to others.

Have a good day.


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