Dare to Dream

Dreams provide incredible insight.

They tell you what you are thinking, deep down, they tell you what you should have done, they tell you what you should do now. They tell you things that you feel are entirely inconsequential, yet, little do we know, what they really mean.

I wouldn't suggest interpreting dreams on your own, unless they are that straightforward and simple, but interpreting them no less and applying them to your daily existence has its effect. 

For instance, I usually dream about a particular person when they are in distress or trouble. This has been going on for the past two - three years. The dream itself isn't exactly cozy. They actually inspire dread and fear and worriment. I never wake up smiling from these dreams, and why would I, when the person I am dreaming about is hurt or in misery?

Today, I had one such dream, about this particular person. I never feel it appropriate to share intimate dreams like this to anyone, so you won't be hearing about it. But I will be writing it down for my own reference. Sorry >_<

I will share a little bit though. Today's dream was too real. It was scary real. I also pulled one of those waking up in a dream thinking you are awake in reality, and then waking up again to realize the first time you woke was a dream, but this time is for real, so you pinch yourself for extra measure.

The dream was also the worst I have ever seen about this person. It is actually scaring me how horrific this dream was and how helpless I am. Helplessness, to me, is one of the most scariest states a person can encounter. This dream, I am praying to God, is insignificant. I am afraid to even try contacting this person for fear that it might be representative of yet another calamity in their life. Usually, I am the one to help make it all better and fix things, but I know I can't now, and this is my fear reaching the pinnacle of reality. I am so helpless right now.
I am praying for you, and trust God has His reasons for whatever hardships are currently befalling you, don't forsake Him and He won't forsake you. Be strong. 

Dreams are deep mirrored tunnels into the subconscious, make sure you pay attention.


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