Physics Meets Spirituality

I recently gave a lecture on the relationship between Physics and Spirituality.

My audience was varied in age from 10 years old to 50 years old. I had about 50 people in attendance and lectured to this specific group for the first time. I decided to post the notes I used during my lecture. it is not at all a coherent paper on the relationship between Physics and Spirituality, these are the guiding thoughts I used in trying to explain this relationship to my audience.


Basics of Physics

When we think of physics, what do we think of first?

E = mc^2


Apple falling on Isaac Newton's head. At least, that's what I think of.

What did this observation determine? The existence of gravity.

Physics is the science of how things work, typically, determining how things work comes from observations, repeated and controlled experimentation.

Then you can go on to the classical laws of physics, which are Newton's Three Laws:

1) An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
    ***Person A throws ball to Person B
    ***Person A throws ball to Person B but is intercepted midflight by Person C

2) F = ma which is the Force experienced by a body is determined by it's mass and acceleration

3) Each action has an equal and opposite reaction.
    ***If I punch Kashan, he will punch me back, {thus maintaining equilibrium in the universe since the law of equal and opposite reactions was maintained.}

Basics of Quantum Mechanics

[Quantum theory says that everything exists and doesn't exist at the same time.]

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics which deals with the study of particles at the atomic and sub-atomic level. Basically, the study of the very small!

This is where your chemistry can come in handy since a lot of it deals with electron-proton intercations, such as the concept of anti-matter which is essentially the negative image of an object, or even you. So if you touched your anti-matter self, there is potential for your non-existence leading to a black-hole. Because a black hole is was sucks in the light and traps it.

Sort of similar to the idea of the black spot in your heart. It traps light, it doesn't emit it. You want to shrink te black holes of your heart so that light can shine through, God's Noor.

- Quantum physics is all about probability. Scientists often use this to prove or disprove the existence of God, a good proof of the existence of God can be given through the equilibrium of entropy of the universe. {Won't demonstrate the math}

-Light is quantized, meaning it can be seen as a number or have a value.

-Based on quantum theory, we are all in a constant state of levitation. Hence, it is possible to levitate and even levitate several inches above the ground. This is possible when your negative energy is being repelled by the negative energy of your surroundings. Say the ground beneath you exhibits a negative charge, a spot on the ground experiences a concentration of negative energy, if you train yourself, you can channel your energy to different parts of your body, and in order to achieve successful levitation, you can channel your negative energy to your feet, which will then act like two magnets when their south poles meet, they will repel one another.

***However, it seems that we are never being repelled from the earth, rather attracted to it, since the core of the earth is dense rock that is magnetized, we are pulled down by the resulting gravity created by the earth, while the electric energy within us is trying to push us back up.***

*** Balloon and static energy trick

String Theory

String theory states that instead of the typical 4 dimensions that we live in (up and down, right and life, front and back, and time), there are in fact 13 dimensions. Worm holes can be created and time travel is possible. Being in multiple places simultaneously is also possible.

When Rasulullah (S) went on his night journey, it was a physical, mental, and spiritual ascension, not just a spiritual or mental ascension. This physical ascension proves aspects of String theory, primarily the part about moving beyond our four dimensions.

Rifts in space are possible, worm holes rather, that can allow for instant teleportation and travel, similar to what the Prophet (S) experienced.

Meditation allows us to reach into new dimensions. Some scientists believe that your dreams are considered an entirely separate dimension. It can be argued that as we perceive this, our here and now as our present reality, that when we are in our dream dimension, at that time, that is our reality and this is our dream.

If you consider the variety of dreams you have, you experience many different things and sensations. Sometimes you actually feel objects in dreams, who's to say you are not actually touching it? If you are holding a book in your dream, and you can actually feel it, you can feel it's weight, who's to say you aren't actually holding it?

Some elaboration on how this relates to us and faith

Humans beings have the ability to grasp knowledge at various degrees, we are all at different levels and can reach different levels. The depth of knowledge is an endless Ocean. God puts His light in our hearts, to guide us and bring about understanding of our Reality. All knowledge in the end helps us to understand our Lord. There is no point behind knowledge unless it helps us understand Him.

Understanding the theories of quantum mechanics is another piece of the puzzle. Truly we know nothing, God knows all.

Miracles described in the Quran, such as the night journey, or Moses' staff taking the form of a serpent, this is all possible. The interchange of atoms in an object lead to the metamorphosis and change into another. There is a divine code imprinted in everything, this code, at the will of our Lord, can change form and adapt to something entirely new.

Why does God say that deep contemplation for an hour is better than 70,000 years of worship? Contemplation on our Lord leads us to new heights of understanding.

The greatest minds became that way by contemplation over a problem or a mystery that required solving. Hence the birth of knowledge on subatomic particle dynamics.

Our Master, Rasulullah (S) knew all these secrets. He passed them down to his Sahabas who in turn relayed that to their followers. Leading to this point in time that we are here understanding what they knew 1400 years ago.


The principal of relativity states that
  1. The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another.
  2. Relativity of simultaneity: Two events, simultaneous for some observer, may not be simultaneous for another observer if the observers are in relative motion.
  3. Time dilation: Moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an observer's "stationary" clock. To illustrate this further, imagine an observer sitting beside an oval race track, with a motorcycle rider traveling close to the speed of light for several years around the track.The sitting observer will age faster because time for the motorcycle rider will elapse relatively slower.
  4. Length contraction: Objects are measured to be shortened in the direction that they are moving with respect to the observer.
  5. Mass-energy equivalence: E = mc2, energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable.

God-Particle - The Higgs Boson, subatomic particle of subatomic particles.




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