Can You Meet Me Half Way?

This weekend trip I just returned from Michigan was very... different. Typically, when returning from Michigan and visiting Sheikh, I feel revitalized, ready to face the world until my next meeting. This trip however... I sort of do and sort of don't feel that.

My typical feeling of a cleaned heart and mind is with me, but anxiety is starting to bubble and is pushing me to let it boil over. I won't let it. No point in being anxious about anything. I keep learning and re-learning the same lesson, almost every single day, this lesson was amplified during this trip.


Why does it elude my grasp so often? My close friends tell me I am patient, but that's relative isn't it? I don't feel like I am patient at all. I can lose my temper, I can slip and be discourteous, I have my moments and it is to my great shame that those moments are numerous.

I need to start judging myself more thoroughly and being more critical with my actions and thoughts than I have been as of late. I know some of my friends will tell me that's not a wise thing to do since they believe I am already too hard on myself, but honestly, if I am not hard on myself, who will be? I need to check myself constantly. I am no longer under the wings of my parents that they will tell me how to take each step and in what direction. God is guiding the steps I intend to take.

Truly, writing this makes me feel like a hypocrite. I don't have patience. I shouldn't write certain things, but I do. I should forget certain things, but I don't. I should be more tolerant and accepting of others, but I tend to either shy away or assume the incorrect, both are wrong.

My world is not governed by me, rather I am governed by the world. In some lights, I have control, or the illusion of control, in any case, to feign control often times leads to control, so let's say I have it. As much control as I think I have, I realize more and more how it escapes me and realize that having control is not important and truly isn't real. Does it matter if I control a thing? Not really.

I have turned a new book in my life. Not page, a page is too insignificant a change.

This new volume holds certain principles to be true:

1) All men are NOT created equal.
2) All men initially deserve equal rights (rights are forfeited due to acts of injustice).
3) Extremists of any sort are cancers for the society (this includes social movements that take it too far, religious extremists, racist organizations, anything else that when taken beyond a healthy point can hurt people).
4) Love is unconditional, given to everyone without holding back.
5) Everyone is deserving of Love.
6) Knowledge is the most powerful weapon and tool in Existence.
7) Compassion is not weakness, but strength.
8) Patience bears the sweetest of sweetest fruit. Patience isn't baring with something, bust accepting and cherishing.
9) Men and Women are equal partners on Earth with different capabilities and duties. Neither male nor female are insubordinate to the other, neither are their duties considered less critical.
10) Wealth and materials bring about limited joy, envy, jealousy, hatred, admiration, and power.
11) Knowledge and Love bring about true immortality.
12) Those we love are never forgotten.
13) Hope is the key to God's Love and Mercy.
14) Nothing is permanent, not your family, not your health, wealth, friends, lovers, children, nor this earth.

15) Sentimentality is frivolous and not befitting of a temporary state.
16) All love and relationships were made prior to our arrival on Earth.
17) Knowledge dismisses ignorance from the Open Mind.
18) Love knocks on the door of the Open Heart.
19) Work and build your life like you will live forever, prepare for your next life like you will die today.
20) Love and Knowledge are never-ending oceans, don't think they have dried up.

That's a pretty good list, I can think of dozens more, but these come to my mind most insistently and hence have been published.

Love and Knowledge.

I believe if we possess both of these, we can make our world a peaceful place.
Can you meet me half way?


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