Why do people have pride? Why do people assume themselves infallible?
It's very silly really. I am writing this because I myself slip into moments of pride and self-righteousness. This is a reminder for me more than for anyone else, but I know this applies to us all.
I have met many people and many people have flaunted their knowledge about, flaunted their supposed understanding of the world. What one has to remember is that we all know different things, believe different things, and accept different things.
The struggle is, can you accept what others accept? Do you have to?
I guess in some cases you should if it is not severely detrimental to your own philosophy and morality, and of course if this person is worth it. Sacrifices must be made in order to preserve the peace. Some are more prone to compromise than others, hence the burden of attaining this peace is often placed on their shoulders, unfair, but necessary.
I love everyone in my life, with a passion, and even when they are gone I will continue to love them. However, I need to check myself and make sure I don't sacrifice my own virtues of life, ideals that I hold dear to myself. I also need to make sure that I remember all the good they have taught me, all the love and compassion they have shown me. Whatever their motives were make no difference in the relationship we shared. Ignorance can sometimes truly be bliss.
I would always opt for knowing the Truth, only if I am capable of withstanding it.
It's difficult sometimes, when stubbornness and pride prevent people from learning valuable lessons. I am a stubborn person and am trying to change that, but I have fallen ill to the malpractice of unresolved judgment. I know some people have completely different standards than I do. I understand this, and I should not judge them under my own scale, which is oftentimes more rigid and strict. I should not judge them at all, I am not perfect in the least bit. This is something I need to change in myself. I wish not to pay attention to harmful things done to me or done to others by people in my life, or simply very childish or irrational acts. These things are the problem of the person and not me. What if I love that person so much that it becomes my problem? Most people will tell me it's none of my business, which is fair.
My dilemma is, do I stick around someone that is destroying themselves and not accepting any help from me? I have no obligation to do such a thing. The effort must be made many times, then when you reach the point of indifference and disregard, you abandon ship. No need to drown with the rest.
Harsh words are reflective of this harsh reality. The quality of people in your life are determined by the quality you show for yourself. As the old adage goes: "Reputation comes from the company you keep." Do you want to associate yourselves with genuinely good people or not? It's very simple.
We all know the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately, these days, what was considered socially and morally wrong not more than 50 years ago in the United States, is considered good, and what was considered good in the same period, is now considered bad. False idols become the gods of the young and lead them to self-destruction and misfortune. Don't fall prey to ignorance.
I know you may not agree with me, that's your right, but know that I don't have to agree with you.
Just remember that pride is more harmful than beneficial. Humbleness, even feigning humbleness, will help you reach genuine humility. I hope to reach this someday.
I humbly ask for forgiveness for hurting anyone in my life, know my intentions were never to cause any of you upset. They were always good intentions, with the motivation of helping. I have realized now that I do not need to help everyone, some people don't want the help, giving it is what hurts. Please forgive me.
It's very silly really. I am writing this because I myself slip into moments of pride and self-righteousness. This is a reminder for me more than for anyone else, but I know this applies to us all.
I have met many people and many people have flaunted their knowledge about, flaunted their supposed understanding of the world. What one has to remember is that we all know different things, believe different things, and accept different things.
The struggle is, can you accept what others accept? Do you have to?
I guess in some cases you should if it is not severely detrimental to your own philosophy and morality, and of course if this person is worth it. Sacrifices must be made in order to preserve the peace. Some are more prone to compromise than others, hence the burden of attaining this peace is often placed on their shoulders, unfair, but necessary.
I love everyone in my life, with a passion, and even when they are gone I will continue to love them. However, I need to check myself and make sure I don't sacrifice my own virtues of life, ideals that I hold dear to myself. I also need to make sure that I remember all the good they have taught me, all the love and compassion they have shown me. Whatever their motives were make no difference in the relationship we shared. Ignorance can sometimes truly be bliss.
I would always opt for knowing the Truth, only if I am capable of withstanding it.
It's difficult sometimes, when stubbornness and pride prevent people from learning valuable lessons. I am a stubborn person and am trying to change that, but I have fallen ill to the malpractice of unresolved judgment. I know some people have completely different standards than I do. I understand this, and I should not judge them under my own scale, which is oftentimes more rigid and strict. I should not judge them at all, I am not perfect in the least bit. This is something I need to change in myself. I wish not to pay attention to harmful things done to me or done to others by people in my life, or simply very childish or irrational acts. These things are the problem of the person and not me. What if I love that person so much that it becomes my problem? Most people will tell me it's none of my business, which is fair.
My dilemma is, do I stick around someone that is destroying themselves and not accepting any help from me? I have no obligation to do such a thing. The effort must be made many times, then when you reach the point of indifference and disregard, you abandon ship. No need to drown with the rest.
Harsh words are reflective of this harsh reality. The quality of people in your life are determined by the quality you show for yourself. As the old adage goes: "Reputation comes from the company you keep." Do you want to associate yourselves with genuinely good people or not? It's very simple.
We all know the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately, these days, what was considered socially and morally wrong not more than 50 years ago in the United States, is considered good, and what was considered good in the same period, is now considered bad. False idols become the gods of the young and lead them to self-destruction and misfortune. Don't fall prey to ignorance.
I know you may not agree with me, that's your right, but know that I don't have to agree with you.
Just remember that pride is more harmful than beneficial. Humbleness, even feigning humbleness, will help you reach genuine humility. I hope to reach this someday.
I humbly ask for forgiveness for hurting anyone in my life, know my intentions were never to cause any of you upset. They were always good intentions, with the motivation of helping. I have realized now that I do not need to help everyone, some people don't want the help, giving it is what hurts. Please forgive me.
God help us if we revert to the mores of the 50s.
p.s. if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Believe me, many things are broken in this society. Most don't wish to see it.
Good thing you can't break the human spirit. Hope is stronger than even composite carbon fiber solar panels.
I agree, Hope is the only thing keeping me going.
if you were speaking to me, i'd invite you out for tea and adventures once i get home this friday. but you're not, so... =(
I'm waiting for an apology, a very sincere one.
i don't think i implied you were a slut, or took out my anger over a failed relationship on you (or my car), nor was i rude.
i just told you you're childish.
hey, i am too. but... what you did that day hurt me to no end. i'm not going to apologize for letting you know that.
i still can't believe you thought what you did.
I was trying to talk to you and you kept talking about squirrels, that would infuriate anyone.
My patience didn't last, and I told you my intent wasn't to upset, I do apologize for my lack of tact.
Squirrels are NOT infuriating. :P
Well, i'm sorry i hurt your feelings with my email. Maybe you'll understand that it was the result of a long time of built-up half-said... stuff. Meh, i don't even know if it matters anymore. I'm sorry i was mean and unresponsive, and that's very sincere. =( It's not your fault what you said kind of fit in with the accusations i got every day of my relationship with Christian. I shouldn't take my emotions out on you. Forgive me? ^^;
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